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[英文] 英语名著经典段落:《呼啸山庄》

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英语名著经典段落:《呼啸山庄& o1 q! m% X$ P- @
, N# X. w( p  I+ X4 }4 ]) v/ }# Y
  You'll pass the churchyard, Mr Lockwood, on your way back to the Grange, and you'll see the three graverestones close to the moor. Catherine's, the middle one, is old now, and half buried in plants which have grown over it. On one side is Edgar Linton's, and on the other is Heathcliff's new one. If you stay there a moment, and watch the insects flying in the warm summer air, and listen to the soft wind breathing through the grass, you'll understand how quietly they rest, the sleepers in that quiet earth.
4 O- z! Z. Z4 D/ r& ^* R/ z2 O5 ^8 V  名著经典段落翻译:  您回画眉山庄的路上会经过教堂墓地,洛克伍德先生,您可以看见靠近荒原的三个墓碑。中间凯瑟琳的已经很旧了,被周围生长的杂草掩盖住了一半。一边是艾加•林顿的,另一边是西斯克里夫的新墓碑。如果您在那儿呆一会儿,看着在温暖夏日的空气里纷飞的昆虫,听着在草丛中喘息的柔风,您就会知道在静谧的泥土下,长眠的人在多么平静的安息。4 Q( a+ R; h9 }0 E1 X$ c. @' q

* M4 q: F- D2 v* h# A1 Y


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