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[英文] 精美英文诗歌:La Coursier de Jeanne D'Arc

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發表於 2016-6-20 15:10:19 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
  You know that they burned her horse
8 a1 a" }; D1 a3 Y- k0 j  before her. Though it is not recorded,( y( u0 |+ ?! |3 e% Y
  you know that they burned her Percheron- j. S, B7 x: p; f
  first, before her eyes, because you
+ r5 G+ e) t& p- M, m  know that story, so old that story,
8 Y4 t" }4 N0 ~- h  the routine story, carried to its
, U0 [' G* b5 Z% G0 a5 ^5 X$ F  extreme, of the cruelty that can make
" |7 W; N& `) D" E1 Q5 S) r8 K2 C  of what a woman hears a silence,
0 u. R$ [! `7 S  Y2 g  that can make of what a woman sees
" B( I2 A! ~0 `  a lie. She had no son for them to burn,
: o: M+ T! w( s' o! S# x$ v  for them to take from her in the world3 H2 R' |9 U7 w2 f! [$ H2 y
  not of her making and put to its pyre,' V) c: f+ i9 F' y4 {
  so they layered a greater one in front of
# u& ?6 E. O4 S- r8 j8 Y% R1 O  where she was staked to her own——  |0 L) h$ K3 E) r9 e6 S0 G. `
  as you have seen her pictured sometimes,1 B6 Z. \. B2 R; D, z& ?: q5 w
  her eyes raised to the sky. But they were
2 W' K. Y; R" @" F, C  not raised. This is yet one of their lies.
# ?/ \' }  B. b2 C- C5 g4 g. ~+ b  They were not closed. Though her hands
: T! Y0 g( W) u+ g) D  were bound behind her, and her feet were3 o8 G! Q. b+ v& X
  bound deep in what would become fire,- ]0 l  B2 e9 w
  she watched. Of greenwood stakes
8 W. w- M/ Z% R& m9 |  head-high and thicker than a man's waist# G. h: E3 @, @7 f+ M! A
  they laced the narrow corral that would not( I( H+ i* U$ z3 P$ [
  burn until flesh had burned, until
6 y, r! g3 A5 m' C  bone was burning, and laid it thick3 Z1 h/ B5 l* V7 I
  with tinder——fatted wicks and sulphur,
3 \4 q' c4 b$ s7 Z! _& M  kindling and logs——and ran a ramp
; [% m- F* Y  f" L; ]" g* l  up to its height from where the gray horse) T7 b' c: z& h
  waited, his dapples making of his flesh
" e  T7 P% e0 Y& V: F0 G# [  a living metal, layers of life
$ K6 c, S6 {5 f2 p, Y  through which the light shone out8 m, O7 L% B/ {$ K
  in places as it seems to through the flesh4 J/ u. k% r# g6 P0 G  B
  of certain fish, a light she knew" S! F# D% e- w" _. ~1 [4 \0 Q& V
  as purest, coming, like that, from within.
0 [+ {  W) ~' H: Q9 f  Not flinching, not praying, she looked% H! r2 [/ e1 `5 y! v  f
  the last time on the body she knew1 d9 E' v* D/ g* |
  better than the flesh of any man, or child,
3 X% k9 h) t5 O  or woman, having long since left the lap
: n" `9 M* M8 t  of her mother——the chest with its
9 U) Z6 k" Q" X2 H" u  perfect plates of muscle, the neck% @2 F' u, J: h
  with its perfect, prow-like curve,# r2 F7 Q* @- Q3 K1 b: V) C2 B
  the hindquarters'——pistons——powerful cleft" v3 U. P& i% L( G, X9 d
  pennoned with the silk of his tail.* ~) q  g( v4 d6 E* @6 q0 K
  Having ridden as they did together
9 Q' ~+ j( Z2 U8 M6 p  ——those places, that hard, that long——# O3 g# R, Y+ @- R8 k
  their eyes found easiest that day$ X  g" G5 k# Y6 O
  the way to each other, their bodies
( }* j1 M* l9 \- L% Y  wedded in a sacrament unmediated
3 I+ l. O4 ]& F0 O  by man. With fire they drove him* z/ `: i( e1 ]* m
  up the ramp and off into the pyre
" \3 h5 l: _, ^& Y2 t% \- ~! @  and tossed the flame in with him.! w8 v4 B6 G5 \. u* o: |8 o' y
  This was the last chance they gave her
3 [$ B  j: ~, |1 E4 Y  to recant her world, in which their power
9 s; g1 C: A: {  came not from God. Unmoved, the Men
! a: v3 r6 j, c- k3 O  of God began watching him burn, and better,
; U* U* ~+ u- l+ k0 n) s  watching her watch him burn, hearing& U0 N) H! u- H' O$ A" h6 ~9 r
  the long mad godlike trumpet of his terror,
! v8 Q8 o  l& b" A( ^  his crashing in the wood, the groan
1 l& Q( w" J4 `( B( G' p  of stakes that held, the silverblack hide,1 i9 k$ q- ~# Q1 q4 e. K
  the pricked ears catching first8 }. u3 t+ ?6 i' G7 ~: d
  like driest bark, and the eyes.1 Z$ i0 K, S$ I/ O, ?8 K7 ^' S
  and she knew, by this agony, that she1 ]; b8 _& V# {4 r, W1 j
  might choose to live still, if she would0 F/ |) i; b. N  V; J
  but make her sign on the parchment
2 ~/ g2 L+ u) ~7 ?7 t  they would lay before her, which now: o) x  |4 [; H) G( W
  would include this new truth: that it+ }1 |  y2 k4 l. g. Q  N' \2 n
  did not happen, this death in the circle,
, t8 ^8 h2 t! Z) y8 k/ G8 {  the rearing, plunging, raging, the splendid; {  [- q5 }) s
  armour-colored head raised one last time0 O7 Y: j6 a+ m- d' ]9 a
  above the flames before they took him) O% ]# E. X9 F! C7 E4 v
  ——like any game untended on the spit——into
- n- h3 R$ m. \" {1 X  their yellow-green, their blackening red.& P; b- k7 O- Y2 @: \
# u. Z8 Z/ N5 v; f4 t& N; w7 r% P


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