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[屏東] 【墾丁涼爽一夏~新芽民宿cool summer in Kenting】 [複製鏈接]

$ ^0 r" M0 b" h$ W& ^暑假已經過了一半,還沒出去玩嗎?今年夏天這麼熱來墾丁涼爽一下吧!- r" u. G6 ~) p5 \0 B+ P
We are already half way thru the summer vacation.
7 ~4 q' m. h6 y- B: }8 h0 DHaven’t you go out to play?It’s time to Kenting to have a cool summer!

9 X, a! x; x) p3 `% x" e 4 g, D9 W; A/ j) t- W& \
. f; ]0 g  J8 q$ _/ X6 Y
周邊景點推薦:: ?5 r5 P  ~' @
1.國立海洋生物博物館National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium (NMMBA)
4 H* \6 W' ], w* m* O" ]* R內容分為台灣水域館、珊瑚王國館、世界水域館等三大主題館8 g/ {4 j' L5 J+ ~' X4 Q, f/ T, j

7 z3 ^" t) m' z) TThe exhibition areas are the Waters of Taiwan, Coral Kingdom Pavilion, and Waters of the World. There is the largest observing window which is 4 meters tall and 16 meters long on the ocean of Eastern Taiwan is in this area. The Coral Kingdom Pavilion focus on exhibiting the coral reef species from shallow shore to deep sea. The 84 meters long under water tunnel where guests may enjoy the beautiful reef without having to get wet is the most popular facility in the museum, where admiring the underwater world only a glass away. The Waters of the World is a 3D virtual reality water free aquarium. The underwater habitat is simulated with machines in different themes. From Ancient Time Ocean, Underwater Forest, Arctic Waters and Deep Oceans, all presented electronically guiding guest to explore the waters around the world. What’s more there are also routine shows: Belugas show, Swimming with tropical fish, and Feeding show.
  j3 C/ a! Z4 r% I, M' H) B1 w5 \+ {! w& k: U- E- r* B, K& Q; E
2.墾丁白沙灣Kenting Baisha Bay (White Sand Bay)1 c& J5 D: j# ?+ B* e( a' T
* j8 i9 E4 a6 c: t, v" F! Q* ]# @
Still keep the original beach and less-construction due to fewer visitors, water activity gear rentals are also available. The white beach is formed by shell sand and embraced by the beautiful coral reefs. You can take a walk along the shore, enjoy the view of blue sky and ocean, the calm waves make it the suitable spot for swimming and scuba diving. 8 E# ~( n" Y9 J7 @) I

5 L2 V9 A) A% ^8 n3.墾丁大街Kenting Street (Kenting Night Market)7 V( f1 M' y. R% w% m8 ^

1 V; v2 n0 ^  t6 C7 k$ x! ~( AKenting Street is the main road of Kenting, where it becomes a splendid night market filled with both local and international travelers in the evening.
: h8 k4 @; K, D9 KYou can find many stores and vendors selling souvenirs and accessories, food stalls and restaurants serving a wide array of traditional Taiwanese snacks. Kenting Street is where visitors are offered with a complete selection of foods while embraced by a relaxing holiday ambience. In addition, fresh tropical fruits and seafood can also be found along the street.

/ l0 W9 y( f# P; D, a# X0 k8 e# b* n' P9 c
4.南灣遊憩區South Bay (Nanwan)
- ?( S( Y- g, U0 I3 K2 K- d" Q又名『藍灣』,是墾丁國家公園最寬闊的沙灘,是台灣最熱門的戲水天堂之一,舉凡游泳、划水、衝浪、駕帆船、水上摩托車、浮潛等等。南灣有黑潮流經過,適合珊瑚生長,其密度和種類之高為世界罕見,在每年農曆大約3月15到22日是珊瑚產卵的時候,更是難得一見的海底奇景

0 A* X8 j3 j8 s7 w9 b- d  UThe coast making it a perfect place for water activities. Domestic and foreign travelers visit Nanwan for beach and water activities such as swimming, surfing, snorkeling, scuba diving, and many others. For the ease of travelers, shower rooms, restrooms, and restaurants are available at the Nanwan Recreation Area. Also, Kenting offers beautiful ocean and natural sceneries, warm climates, and is also a paradise for water activities which allures large numbers of local and foreign tourists every year.
* n+ \% W/ @: z$ n3 P- i) j$ o5 h) J, E( ]
5.佳樂水風景區Jialeshuei Scenic Area
' n' i' j5 K7 D8 y# w  T因地殼變動、強風和海浪的長外衝擊,區內地形形成各種不同的奇岩怪石,猶如天然的地科博物館,有『海神樂園』的美譽。
! n3 h& k- |+ g5 U3 R* E0 F
The place has plenty of special rocks shaped by strong winds and waves.! y- \: ^& N( U) c6 ?. o- K) S

( u& o% c* H8 s0 g! T' Y+ s + H) v: g  x5 B6 I: |+ F! K( U. Q

; D9 r& `( h; P$ x+ h經營理念:
) ]' _( L# q1 Q2 d4 b9 V0 Y3 L幸福是什麼?幸福就是一種生活的態度,平凡而認真,自然而堅持。* y& w- K  ^2 W) Z' J0 F
( j, ]$ @* b) S' K6 T6 ]若有任何問題或需求,歡迎打電話洽詢:0926-684801,0935-490839

. L- f. T$ j/ m# A7 RWhat is happiness?1 L/ i% o! Q# i- T# Q. B
Happiness is an attitude towards life, ordinary and serious nature and insistence.
* D, `) x  p9 k1 u' n7 Q% m2 tTaiwan's southernmost Kenting, with unlimited sunshine, gentle breezes, blue waters, large sandy beach, this all natural scenery, people throwing any trouble pressure and enjoy unrestrained blue ocean vacation.
5 L1 V; o7 H# g6 YIf you have any questions about the journey or trip, please call directly : 0926-684801,0935-490839.

# H6 q) t" f7 v0 f. J  ?/ T
5 [% r+ z2 a8 O: l6 W*相關資訊information4 b. f) C6 c! x& Q3 V+ n% H
TEL:08-8899127$ ~% h# X2 j) [  J1 j4 `2 \7 t( c
6 J- V& @- j5 S8 ?1 x) h8 p) `# D2 WADD:屏東縣恆春鎮大埔路48號
2 N+ C1 K) ~4 v" q' e% B9 hNo.48, Dapu Rd, Hengchun Township, Kenting, Taiwan 94647

$ A) {% Z! m) c4 k* B) ~& K
3 q( v& Y1 g( k墾丁民宿,墾丁住宿,墾丁包棟住宿,墾丁民宿包棟,墾丁

2 _  k/ h, W' M3 g0 g2 i
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